How to Build a High Performing Team In Your Organisation


If you've ever been part of a successful team in the workplace, then you'll know how vital the right combination of knowledge, skill, experience, and attitude can be to developing a high-performance organisation, department or trust.

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Success is no longer about individual performance. If you want to develop an organisation which stands out above others in the sector, then it's essential to develop your people and recruit the right talent, who know how to perform together towards the organisation's vision and goals.

Without the right structure and focus, the candidates you bring together in your organisation will be nothing more than a group of people working in the same place.

A high performing team starts by working with whom you have and whom you recruit, so let’s get started.

Have A Common Goal

If you want your team to work at its best, then you need to make sure everyone on your team knows exactly what they're striving to achieve. Your goals need to be specific with a corresponding timeline for achievement.

Keep in mind that the "why" which drives your employees can be just as important as the “what”. More on this in another post.

Hire A Diverse Range of Talent

When it comes to creating teams, many managers assume that it will be easier to connect people with the same skillsets, patterns and behaviour. While this makes it more likely that you'll build a group who ‘rub along’ well together with the same personalities and ambitions, it also means that you won't achieve the different thinking that makes teams which deliver.

A recent report by the Boston Consulting Group suggests diverse teams perform better and deliver more; in some cases, up to 19% more revenue.

Leverage Your Current Team

You can encourage your employees to give you their best as much as you like, but if you're not placing them in situations where they can thrive, then you're only going to get a limited return.

From the moment you start to build your team look for ways that you can support their skill development and performance, by making sure the right resources and team members surround them.

Look at how different people within your team might be able to help others strengthen their skill set with internal mentoring and think about whether investing in new technology and tools might make your team more efficient too. The more you understand the motivations and drivers of the people you're working with, the more you can create an environment conducive to success.

Create a Great Environment

High-performance teams understand the importance of collaboration to improve performance and consequently, results.

According to a post on Harvard Business Review, happy teams are productive teams.

The facts suggest happier employees who feel encouraged and accepted by the organisation or trust they work for, are more likely to deliver outstanding results.

Make sure you support creativity and excellence from your new team members by:

  • Establishing an environment where all ideas and feedback are appreciated.

  • Encouraging your people to support each other’s strengths and development areas.

Celebrate Success and Learn from Mistakes

Finally, no matter how exceptional your staff members might be, your organisation will likely face both failures and success on the path to your goals. The key is knowing how to respond productively in each scenario.

If something goes well with a project or initiative, ensure you make celebrating this fact important. Let your team know that they've achieved something great and provide them with the recognition they crave so that they can continue to feel motivated to deliver exceptional results.

On the other hand, if you encounter a challenge, encourage your employees to come together and determine what went wrong. Gather the learnings so that you can all ‘do it’ differently next time.

The more your team learns and grows together, the more they'll bond, which makes them a naturally more efficient group.

Westwood Harris Burns are specialists in Executive Search and Senior Finance appointments within the Public Sector; with particular expertise in NHS, Housing and Charity Sectors. With over 60 years combined experience, we have extensive knowledge of the market, proven track records and established networks, allowing us to provide a wide range of services to both clients and candidates alike.

To learn more about how we can support you to either build your team or career, visit our Get In Touch page.

Heather Clarke

Managing Director


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